Friday, October 21, 2011

1 . Army pictures . . <3

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshows? Why?
Its one that shows a women & her husband kissing , because it shows the love that they have for eachother . How she must have missed him, and its adorable because they look happy and never wanting to let go.

B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
Where he is coming homing , and the basic training , Ian coming home album shows how much he is missed and how the parents & all the other family members are happy to finally be with him . All there worries are gone. Also the album where he is having training because it shows the hard work that they have to go through and how much strength he had put into it , how much he work and all his determination.

C. How do the images work together to tell a story?
It shows what happens at the begging where he signed up , till when he come back home.

2. Captions

A. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?
In present tense .

B. How do the captions enhance the photographs?
They tell us the story behind the picture .

3. Your own caption

A .In the second album , the last photo : Ian gets his new gun prepared to go into fighting . Even though his not holding it ready & playing around his ready.

B.In the 7th album , the 20th picture : Ian passes bu a wall remembering the 9/attack. Walking back to the base.

C.In the 5th album , the 14 picture : Ian looks frustrated , and tired. He is out trying to get his mind cleared while his friend , approches him

4. Videos .

A. How do these other features enhance the photographs?
It puts it more into a story , and tells me more how he feels and what his going through.

B. In what ways are videos better than photographs? Provide an example from the Denver Post Web site.
It can show his actuall emotion, we can hear his voice . You can tell how he feels in the tone of his voice. What he does in a day to day bases.

C. In what ways are photos better than videos? Provide an example from the Denver Post Web site.
Because they focus on that very momment, you honestly grab there emotion at that momment , you can tell in there eyes what there doing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Grandpa ready to cut the long haired hair, he better start before its to late. And I swear he missed a spot.
He was hungry & my mom said no candy . So he picked up whatever was purring around.
My dog wanted to be superman for Halloween . But there was not doggy plus sizes .

Cool Video :)

I like the video, its very cool it included everyone exept some of the students on the bleachers , like the people who are not in band or sports. I like the ending it was like whoaa cool , because it doesnt give away everything and it makes you want to buy it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school? Outside , or sports :)

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?
 I think a little of both .

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?
In the front or cafeteria .
1. What do you have to do on the camera to make this type of photo?
Get A tripod and go to a low fstop.
2. Look up a Canon T3 on google and tell me if it has the ability to shoot bracketed photos?
Yes :D
3. Is there a place on campus we could take a series of photos like this?
Probably outside on the courtyard ? Facing the middle or the fields .

4. Do a google image search for HDR photos and find your favorite, post it on your blog, tell me why you picked that photo and then tell me what techniques (rules of photography) the photographer used

I like how it looks like a painting , its colors look very beatiful . He use the rule of thirds , and had to be really still to get all of the action going on . 

Great Black & White Photography 3

1.The creativity , and how she would try to make the picture simple but still have so much to say .

2. I see the sunlight through the trees , buildings that look old that seem from a century away . And then the ocean hitting against the bridge , the cars passing the bridge . With people looking at it .
I smell the ocean water , with like cold air . And like the foggyness in the other .
I hear cars passing by . The water  hitting the bridge , and the cars passing by .
I taste the air , the freshness , the salt water .
I feel the air pushing against my face , the vibration of the cars .

3.) Finally, what would you like to create to show the world your great photographer. Ideas include, posters, power points, a blog, etc. You tell me what you would like to create so we can come up with a plan to share your thoughts and ideas about your photographer with your classmates and with the rest of the school.

I personally like posters , because its hands on and you can add your own touches .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

1. What did you learn about the camera when you took these photos?
That as the shutter speed got higher , the picture got darker .

2. What do you notice about all the photos and the way they look?
That they where really clear and not as dark , bus as the fstop got higher the picture got darker .

3. Can you tell the difference between each ISO? Explain how.
Yes , becasue as the ISO went up more pictures where visible.

4. What does this tell you about ISOs and what it does when you change it when you take pictures.It tells me that if im in a dark place i should have a high ISO . because it makes it brighter .5. What about focus? Can you see a difference in the photos? Tell me what differences and similarities you see.
Some photos look more sharper with the shuter low .

6. Post the best photo you took on your blog. Make sure to label the following things: ISO, Shutter Speed, F-stop, Distance, Focal Length, Lighting.
ISO : 1600 , Shutter Speed : 1/15 FStop : F5.6

7. What do you need to concentrate on when you go out to shoot next time when you have to shoot in Manual setting?
That the middle line is set and im still .