Thursday, October 13, 2011

Great Black & White Photography 3

1.The creativity , and how she would try to make the picture simple but still have so much to say .

2. I see the sunlight through the trees , buildings that look old that seem from a century away . And then the ocean hitting against the bridge , the cars passing the bridge . With people looking at it .
I smell the ocean water , with like cold air . And like the foggyness in the other .
I hear cars passing by . The water  hitting the bridge , and the cars passing by .
I taste the air , the freshness , the salt water .
I feel the air pushing against my face , the vibration of the cars .

3.) Finally, what would you like to create to show the world your great photographer. Ideas include, posters, power points, a blog, etc. You tell me what you would like to create so we can come up with a plan to share your thoughts and ideas about your photographer with your classmates and with the rest of the school.

I personally like posters , because its hands on and you can add your own touches .

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