Friday, December 2, 2011

Self Portrait and Portraits Part II

1. Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.
2. A mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait. In most cases, the camera will be included in the scene (but this can help make a statement about your enthusiasm for photography). You can use your camera as a prop, and hold it away from your face. When you photograph into a mirror, be sure your reflection is in focus. An infrared autofocusing system will usually focus on glass if it's aimed into a mirror, and will focus at infinity if aimed at an angle. You might try focusing at an object that's the same distance as the distance from the camera to the reflection, lock in the focus, recompose the image to include yourself, and take the picture.
3. Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.


 I really like this picture, because the environment is a cemetery & the girl is still very happy, and i like how there is just that pop of color. And she still smiles.

I like this because of the back round , and how it looks cool. The different color contrast, its just a great picture because you still focus on him.


  I like this picture because the pop of color, and how her facial expression is.

I like this because its cool how its a picture within a picture, and how you would think she is smiling by what she is wearing. And i like the lighting and colors


My favorite because its a picture perfect moment because how they are posing, and how the colors go all together.

I like this because it follows the rules of thirds & then its adorable how they are just holding hands, and i like how you can tell there happy .


I want to take pictures of fashion and like really bring it out , I'm thinking of trying to find just a white background, if not then just outside , and I'm going to try and get pictures on days where its not so sunny and try to follow the rules of photography.

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