Monday, January 30, 2012

School name : GeorgeTown
School location, exact location : Georgetown, Texas
School size : 1750
How many pages is the book : 285
How many sections are in the book: 6
List the sections in the book : Inside , People , Academics , Athletics , Clubs , Community
What sports are played at that school? : football, volleyball, crosscountry , basketball , soccer , softball , baseball , track , swimming , tennis , golf , powerlifting.
Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school? Debate , guys and dolls , tech club
What are the school colors? blue
What is the theme of the book? exposation
What thematic elements are present throughout the book? the kids and what they did
How many years has the book been published? 11 years
Who is the editor-in-chief of the book? Deja Elder
Who is the advisor? Jane Anderson
What  is your favorite spread in the book? SPORTS
What do you like about this book? It has everything
What would you change if you were working on that book? To not have so many different colors and let the pictures be colored.
Would you like to go to that school? NO
Why would you or would you not like to go to that school? It seems to strict

Magazin Cover

Photoshop Tutorial

Happy Akins Building

And I choose this for akins because we are EAGLES & this is what are school represents.

I choose this as my happy because when I personally think of happiness I think of someone jumping for joy & with a smile on your face.

I choose this as my building because it actually a building of our school .

Friday, January 20, 2012

Magizine covers part II and InDesign Part I

The first early types of magazines , started in the 1700 . There was not many pictures , most of them look drawn . And some just had a simple background . Then the Post coveres seemed a little more graphical , like they had more color , they even had a few picture . Also with more options like fashion and sports . Then there is married to type , this is where models would over lap the titles . They also name more of the contributor than the actual topic , also slowly but surely they started to be more out there and bold. And finally In The Forest of Woods , some contain larger cover lines , but now you can find some that do but rarely .

Monday, January 9, 2012

I would like to join Advance Graphic Design for Yearbook because even though I might not actually work on the Yearbook , I still want to learn the techniques and she the process into what it takes to make a yearbook . And take better pictures with great headings and summary.

But at  sometimes I would like to be in Commercial Photography, because I feel like its going to show me how to do more stuff with a camera & be able to do stuff in and out of school .

Thursday, January 5, 2012

1. In our family on New Years when the clock strikes 12 we eat 12 grapes and make wishes .

2. What are your resolutions for the 2012 year?
 - Have fun
- Meet new people
- Loose weight
- Do something extrodinary .
- Get better grades
- Dont be mean to my family

& I dont know what else .

3. What are you looking forward to in 2012?

A new year , new start , new people , more adventures just a chance to have some fun .


1. Best song of 2011

I picked Rolling in the Deep with Adele because it was the number one song and its just a great song to listen to.

2. Best movie of 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 , because im A HUGE Harry Potter fan , and I get so exited about all the magic stuf.

3. Most important news of 2011

When they killed Osama Bin Laden , I know that mean but it was a sigh of relief , their always might be people wanting to attack us , but it was one less person to worry about .

4. Most important person of 2011

I honestly just knew some of the people on that list but from what i think its our President , even thoug everyone messes up his trying to pick up after other president who just made a mess and making our country better .

5. Biggest Sports News of 2011

It would have to be when my BABY THE RANGERS lost to the cardinals , seriously I cried .. They had it !

I love looking at this picture its adorable how even though he has been hurt and is a little different he is still enjoying his life playing .

Its awesome how it looks almost as if the baseball was put in their. It has this 3D effect .

This picture makes me giggle, because its funny how the girl is so small and light but then again the guy's nose is like smashed.