Monday, April 16, 2012

Whats you name ? Sabrina Michelle Padilla
How old are you ? 14
What grade are you in ? 9th
What academy are you in ? New Tech
What does it mean being student of the month ? Outshinning all the other student

What did you have to do to be the student of the month ? Get good grades being a better student
Do you think that your grades are good ? No cause a fail a class every six weeks
Do you stay out of troublem ? Yes
Are you proud to be student of the month ? Yes
Do you think you deserved it ? Yes , because it means to outshine all do extra curicular activaties and i do that

What are you extracula activaties ? Going to tutoring and softball
Who decides this ? Principle , and teachers
Do teachers help you with this ?
Do you like coming to school ?  Yes
What your favorite subject ? History

Do you have any siblings ? 2 , brother and a sister
Whats your favorite sport ? baseball she plays it
Whos you favorite singer ? justin bieber
What kind of music do you like ? country hip hop
What do you want to be when your older ? human service worker

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Touching People

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?

I think its a pretty cool but very outgoing project . Just the wierdness

2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?

I would be a little shy but after a while be into it .
3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.

Taking a midger and making people hold him as a baby.

4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take?

They didnt seem that wierd , and some didnt seem that great , they did have a background , focusing and rule of thirds.

Student of the Month Interview.

Whats you name ?
How old are you ?
What grade are you in ?
What academy are you in ?
What does it mean being student of the month ?

What did you have to do to be the student of the month ?
Do you think that your grades are good ?
Do you stay out of troublem ?
Are you proud to be student of the month ?
Do you think you deserved it ?

What are you extracula activaties ?
Who decides this ?
Do teachers help you with this ?
Do you like coming to school ?
What your favorite subject ?

Do you have any siblings ?
Whats your favorite sport ?
Whos you favorite singer ?
What kind of music do you like ?
What do you want to be when your older ?

20 questions

Three different people :

School Board

Why would we need you uniforms ?
Do you think it would help ?
Would it cause a problem ?
How would students react ?
How would the uniforms look ?

When will these transaction happen ?
Is it fair ?
Are they going to ask for the students opinion ?
Will the uniforms be the same for boys and girls ?
Will it be a strict code ?

What school will have to wear it ?
What will be the consequences for not wearing them?
Would student wear them ?
Would students have to pay for them ?
Will there be shoes with it ?

Why are they doing this ?
Will the students have free days if this goes through ?
What are the chances this will happen ?
How will they make this happen ?
Is there a point to this ?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mathew Lopez in engoying a great sunny day outside of Akins, playing with the ball . He was having so much playing with everyone while he posed for the camara.

Outside of Akins on friday Matthew is playing around , hitting the ball with his foot . He was showing that you can stay fit and still have fun .

On a average day Sabrina likes to spin around and dance at school. She was enjoying her day yesters outside of Akins while people took pictures , she says "i dont mind people taking pictures of my while i dance".

Sabrina is waiting outside of Akins and she started to jump around to make the time pass by faster. She was waiting and said " i got bored and needed something to do.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


1.Rule of thirds
2. Mergers
3. Create depth

1. Rule of thirds
2. Croppin
3. Creat depth
4. Background

1. Leadinglines
2. Symmetry and patterns
3. Cropping

Caption Practice

Who: Bob Charles
What: he has fire coming out of a glass bottle
Where: at a carnival
When: yesterday
Why: to amuse people
How: he had put gasoline in the bottle and threw a match

Firey Fury Flames Forever

Yesterday at the famous Memorial Carnival , Bob Charles a karate master from the school of Karate Sense came to impress. He did many amazing trick with fire , bu adding gasoline and throwing a match inside he amazed many .