Monday, April 16, 2012

Whats you name ? Sabrina Michelle Padilla
How old are you ? 14
What grade are you in ? 9th
What academy are you in ? New Tech
What does it mean being student of the month ? Outshinning all the other student

What did you have to do to be the student of the month ? Get good grades being a better student
Do you think that your grades are good ? No cause a fail a class every six weeks
Do you stay out of troublem ? Yes
Are you proud to be student of the month ? Yes
Do you think you deserved it ? Yes , because it means to outshine all do extra curicular activaties and i do that

What are you extracula activaties ? Going to tutoring and softball
Who decides this ? Principle , and teachers
Do teachers help you with this ?
Do you like coming to school ?  Yes
What your favorite subject ? History

Do you have any siblings ? 2 , brother and a sister
Whats your favorite sport ? baseball she plays it
Whos you favorite singer ? justin bieber
What kind of music do you like ? country hip hop
What do you want to be when your older ? human service worker

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