Thursday, September 1, 2011

Defenitions ,

Electromagnetic Spectrum - The range of wavelengths or frequencies over which
electromagnetic radiation extends.

Image Sensor - An image sensor is a device that converts an optical image to an electric signal. It is used mostly in digital cameras and other imaging devices.

Daguerrotype - A photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapor.

Film Frames - A film frame, or just frame, is one of the many single photographic images in a motion picture. The individual frames are separated by frame lines. Normally, 24 frames are needed for one second of film

Aperture - A space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, esp. the variable opening by which light enters a camera

Shutter - Each of a pair of hinged panels fixed inside or outside a window that can be closed for security or privacy or to keep out light.

Depth of field - The distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera

F-stop -  A camera setting corresponding to a particular f-number

Focal length - The equivalent distance in a compound lens or telescope
Single Lens Camara.

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