Monday, November 21, 2011

1. They maid her lips bigger, added more hair to her, made her neck longer her eyebrows lower, her shoulders lower, her eyes bigger, her face skinnier.
2. Its unethical because its not showing what the product really does, and your just lying to the person buying it. Your showing something unreal.
3.Yes, you have to consider to at lease show the truth .. especially if your trying to tell a story about something that happen along time ago. Because people can be mislead.
4. The only changes that are okay is if the picture you are taking just for fun that's the only time you can change it. And if your taking a picture of something going on like for  example a war then you don't want to edit and make it seem like a lot of people are dead or all you should do is try to make it clear and make it brighter if needed.
5.Fashion photography , takes pictures & talks about clothing, shoes, jewelry & stuff you wear. And photojournalism you take pictures that you want you don't have a specific subject.
6.Every photographer has a different view on reality & they have different ways of taking picture & how they should be edited.

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