Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Shortlist - Warm Up :)

The landscape is beautiful, they got it at a great at a great angle.

This is my favorite picture because even though the man is small your eyes want to look it at him right away & of course i just like how it looks.

I LOVE HOW her hair just sorta goes with the background & her facial expression fits the picture .

This is just the cutest little girl , the background makes her standout & its like almost simple. They got the idea about family out.

This is one of my favorites because its caught at a good moment, you can see trees & the landscape in the bubble. And it focuses in the bubble & sorta blurs out the little girl.

This looks great almost like not real, and i like where the picture was tooken and how its black and white.

I like how it shows what happen in each flower, and it has that simple elegant feeling to it.
This was my favorite because you feel like you there , you can see the splash.

This one was my FAVORITE over all because I love how it looks like its not real, how there is no possible way that could be it. Its so colorfull & vivid.

Even though its suppost to show movement its very clear & crisp & i love how you can still tell they where moving.

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